Moerman product categories
Featuring items that showcase the best in quality and value.
Moerman, the first and best choice for cleaning materials
Moerman has been a developer and producer of the very best cleaning tools for floors and windows since 1885.
Moerman, produce and develop innovative and sustainable cleaning tools for floors and windows.
Our window cleaning tools: the result of focused product development, designed to be the best and most efficient.
Every day Moerman products are used and approved by professional window cleaners worldwide.
A good window cleaning squeegee and good technique can increase speed by reducing the amount of time needed to clean each window.
With high-quality squeegees, you’ll be able to glide across the window with ease and remove more dirt and water with each pass. When combined with a good technique, such as overlapping strokes and a back-and-forth approach, you’ll be able to clean windows faster and with greater efficiency.
Award-winning product range.
With our extensive product range, from the Award-winning Excelerator 2.0 with its redesigned gripping jaw allowing for deeper reach when closing out a window.
Along with the Moerman Sleeves Featuring;
- Fugu sleeve, a microfiber sleeve with hard abrasive bristles.
- Premium sleeve, a high-quality durable microfiber sleeve with excellent water retention.
- Niveo sleeve, a microfiber sleeve (instead of acryl) with good water absorption.
Some of the products available.
A sample of the best sellers from Moerman. Elevate your window cleaning to the next level today!
Swivel T Bar
Moerman means perpetual innovation.
Tedious details, discomfort in the joints, and a hazardous profession. We are aware that your daily work requires effort, particular expertise, and dedication. Dedicated to continuously developing and improving tools that enable you to work more quickly, proficiently, and safely in order to advance you to the next level.
Moerman means quality.
With yearly product launches and several product updates to enhance the current tools Moerman ensures it continues to put the consumer experience first. In particular, engaging with worldwide window cleaners to examine products to gather feedback and enhance usefulness.
Consistent standards and the highest level of value
The reliability and dependability of product materials are continually monitored and controlled for quality and constantly improved to ensure developed products are delivered with consistent output levels to guarantee a measured price quality.