Tank 50 litre | Stabilised Polyethylene

$240.00 exl. GST

Tank 50 litre | Stabilised Polyethylene


Tank 50 litre | Stabilised Polyethylene

These rectangular-shaped spray tanks, which are made of UV-stabilized polythene, conserve crucial ute floor area. When tanks are arranged in groups of two or more, the profiles of the various sizes match to create a neat appearance.

The bottoms are elevated to allow the tank’s contents to flow into the gutter that surrounds the tank’s outside edge. Any side of the tank can be supplied with outlets. The 19mm outlet and 12mm return are standard fittings.

With each tank, a noticeable volume marking decal is included. The decal can be applied to any side of the tank because the tanks are translucent.


  • Weight 23 kg
  • Dimensions 22 × 53 × 57.5 cm
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